« Entradas publicadas por gabyven
12 de Octubre, 2008
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Aquí encontraréis una breve panorámica acerca de lo que hay más allá de las puertas de vuestra percepción ordinaria. Cuando vosotros, los humanos, os atrevisteis a despegaros de vuestra superficie terrestre mediante naves espaciales, pudisteis ver que sois un punto dentro del universo... ... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 09:40 · Sin comentarios
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31 de Agosto, 2008
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Aquí está la información que hemos comentado en el foro y que los escépticos, que son legión, se niegan a aceptar. Lamentablemente, la acepten o no, estamos aquí. Y esto podría evitarse sólo si corremos la voz y hacemos algo por organizarnos en contra de la que nos viene encima.
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gabyven a las 03:38 · 2 Comentarios
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28 de Julio, 2008
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Page 21 Man is a machine. All his deeds are the results of external influences, external impressions. What is being done, and particularly what has already been done in one way, cannot be, and could not have been, done in another way.
Page 22 Everything is dependent on everything else, everything is connected, nothing is separate.
Page 24 What is war? It is the results of planetary influences. Somewhere up there two or three planets have approached too near to each... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 03:53 · Sin comentarios
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28 de Julio, 2008
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11 de agosto de 1999 Raras Total Solar Eclipse. Date: August 11 th Fecha: Agosto 11 ª Time: 11:11 am Hora: 11:11 am Path: 111 kilometers wide Ruta: 111 kilómetros de ancho "With the sun at the height of its 11 year cycle of activity (11 year increasing activity followed by 11 year decreasing activity), scientists hope this eclipse will let them learn more about the rarely sighted solar corona." "Con el sol en el momento más álgido de su ciclo de 11 años de actividad (11 años el aumento de la... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 00:19 · Sin comentarios
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20 de Julio, 2008
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The "New Age" of Aquarius is an Astrologydoctrine of the 1980s, proclaiming the human race is at the verge of a "giganticquantum leap", to realize that every human is God... and when that happens, it willbe the "New Age", a glorious time with only one nation on earth, one language,one government, one religion, one monetary system... with only love on earth, the"golden age"!, without hate, violence, wars, crime, racism, and without sicknessnor death!... ... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 14:05 · Sin comentarios
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11 de Junio, 2008
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The online Canadian National newspaper recently began publishing a series of articles reporting the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial genes in human DNA. There is much evidence to support genetic 'upgrades' of human DNA at various points in human evolution by extraterrestrials. This makes it very important to demarcate between exopolitical research on the historic extraterrestrial role concerning human DNA, with ongoing scientific investigations that are part of the Human... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 02:34 · Sin comentarios
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08 de Junio, 2008
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LOVEvolution’s Scientific Foundation Physicist David Bohm says that meaning links mind and matter like opposites of a coin. In other words, meaning has alchemical qualities that help fuse dualities and, therefore, advance evolution. Physicist Rupert Sheldrake’s work with morphogenetic fields of energy, or M-fields, help describe how the invisible world of energy organizes itself to create material worlds or realities. Chaos theory, which is based on non-linear dynamics, says that the world is... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 09:00 · Sin comentarios
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08 de Junio, 2008
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Los actuales tiempos que la Humanidad está viviendo, tienen mucho de caos, incertidumbre y miedos, debido principalmente al hecho que una parte de los seres humanos ha perdido el "norte" o que sencillamente nunca lo ha tenido concientemente. La Historia "oficial" que se nos ha hecho llegar y que se enseña a través una indo culturización masiva a todo nivel, nos narran hechos que muchos han cuestionado, y que cuestionan con determinación en estos tiempos. ¿Somos realmente tan limitados como se... Continuar leyendo |
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gabyven a las 08:35 · Sin comentarios
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27 de Marzo, 2008
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Something big is happening. You’re probably feeling it . . . perhaps with anticipation and also a little bit of anxiety. And maybe you’re asking, “Okay, what is IT?” I believe that we are in the midst of an evolutionary shift so big that we have difficulty in imagining it—one so dramatic that it is birthing us and Earth into a higher dimension. Birthing Ourselves and ... Continuar leyendo
publicado por
gabyven a las 23:25 · Sin comentarios
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Marzo 2025 |
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Because you're |
a beautiful person,
Swak! :♥) Gabyven “Entrad por la puerta estrecha; porque ancha es la puerta y espacioso el camino que lleva a perdición, y muchos son los que entran por ella.”
“Porque estrecha es la puerta y angosto el camino que lleva a la vida, y pocos son los que la hallan.”
De acuerdo con esto podemos comprender la verdad de aquel aforismo que dice: “según lo que un hombre piensa así es él”. |
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