"New Age" of Aquarius |
20 de Julio, 2008
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< >The "New Age" of Aquarius is an Astrologydoctrine of the 1980s, proclaiming the human race is at the verge of a "giganticquantum leap", to realize that every human is God... and when that happens, it willbe the "New Age", a glorious time with only one nation on earth, one language,one government, one religion, one monetary system... with only love on earth, the"golden age"!, without hate, violence, wars, crime, racism, and without sicknessnor death!... ><> This "utopia" is the greatest menace to Christianity, more than any othercult... New age has been catalogued as the AIDS of all heresies.><>><>TheEssential Belief:><> The old saying, "God is Dead", is gone; the new theme is"everyone is God... Everyone!.><> This is the essential belief: All is one, one is God, you are one... that'sright, you are God!... ><> You are God!, even if you don't know how to make birds, nor stars, nor the eyes ofan insect, nor even a simple leave of a tree... But you are God!... you shape your owndestiny, you are capable of overcoming all problems; it is the ultimate philosophy of the"Me Generation"... since the God in you makes all decisions, then whatever youdecide is right!... there is not objective truth.><> The New Age rage is intended to become a "new world order" in which allbecomes one: No national boundaries, just one world community in government, religion,economy... all is yours!... and you belong to all!... the world is passing from an old ageof materialism into a time of new spirituality...><> The New Age is an umbrella,an amorphous collection of belief systems... over 1,000 in the Internet!...Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center, dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their terms. The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices, which they add on to whichever formal religion that they follow. Their book publishers take the place of a central organization; seminars, conventions, books and informal groups replace of sermons and religious services.><> In the New Age umbrella are including all religious systems except Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: ><> It includes: - Monism: All that exists is derived from a single source of divine energy - Pantheism: All that exists is God; God is all that exists. Hinduism Taoism Mormons - Relativism - A belief that all truth, knowledge, and laws are relative to particular perceptions or situations and do not carry universal authority. The objective truth does not exist, all depends of what you think. - Reincarnation of Hinduism: After death, we are reborn and live another life as a human. This cycle repeats itself many times.Reincarnation -Enlightenment of Buddha. Buddhism - All kind of Occultism: Divination, astrology, horoscope, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wicca, astralprojection, spiritualism, spiritism, satanism, santeria, voodoo, alchemy... The Occult - Animism, paganism, the old pagan rituals... Wicca - Hypnosis,transcendental meditation, the use of hallucinogenic drugs or any kind of drug... - New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty. Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people. ><> How to become God?... Methods: ><> And how to become God?: ><> It is easy: The time of rationalism and materialism and atheism is gone... now it isthe time of "pure spiritualism"... but a spiritualism away from Judaism, becausethe "age of Aries" is gone; and away from the dogmatism of Christianity andIslam, because the "age of Pisces" is also gone... it is the "age ofAquarius", the age of new beginnings, where "intuition" rules...><> To become God is easy, because you are already God, and the only thing left is thatyou realize it, and live as God, to have "consciousness of God"... not by"reasons", but by "intuition" in mystical experiences... ><> "The Methods":><> Mention it, and you have it in the New Age methods... itis nothing "new", just the old time ancient religions, cults, all kind ofsuperstitions, and false Hinduism and Mormonism!... anything but the truths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam... ><> The methods range through the alphabet of superstition, from acupuncture to Zen Buddhism, taking in yogameditation, mysticism, spiritualism, crystals, pyramids, clairvoyance, biofeedback,reincarnation therapies, tarot cards, ouija boards, astrology, tea leaves, occult devices,dream therapy, holistic healing, astrological charts, parasychologic mystic experiences,telepathy, self-hypnosis, mind control, spiritistic channelling, balancing the yin andyan, witchcraft rituals, hypnosis, meditation, the use of hallucinogenic drugs or any kind of drug, Egyptian knowledge, mantras, angiology, extraterrestrial beings,neurolinguistic trainers, herbologists, guided imaginary, centering, polarity therapy,reflexology, therapeutic touching, homeopathy... and, of course, any kind of super-sexualactivity...><>><>THEDOCTRINE... Satan at work!:><> The New Age is the "spiritual AIDS" of our times, because ittakes away the defenses of the person by destroying the spiritual immune system ofhumility. It is the greatest menace against Christianity, an amorphous collection ofbelief systems... over 1,000 in the Internet!... it looks difficult to understand, but itis very simple, because it is just the old 4 tricks of Satan described in Genesis3:4-5 when he answered to Eve: "You will not die; for God knowsthat when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing goodand evil".><>><>The 4 lies of Satan of Gen.3:4-5 are: 1- "Youwill not die". 2- "Your eyes will be opened". 3- "You will be like God". 4- "Knowing good and evil"><>... And these are "the 4 main doctrines" of the New Age differentcults and groups:><>><>1- "You will not die": ><> At the core of the New Age is "Reincarnation"... andyou will never even be sick with the holistic healing, exercise, diet, herbology,biofeedback, acupuncture, massage techniques, magic, the healing effects of crystals,pyramids, and other many superstitions... ><> Mostly, you will obtain even the utopia of "immortality", because matterand spirit are one (monism).><>><>2- "Your eyes will be opened": ><> You become conscious of how powerful you are, capable ofovercoming any problem... this is the "human potential movement" which has madethe greatest inroads in the spread of New Age: The "seminars" carried outin major corporations, like RCA, IBM, Boeing, Ford Motor Co., General Dynamics, etc.designed to increase productivity and potential among the employees... The "mortalomnipotence" obtained by occult divinatory devices... or by hallucinogenic drugs,hypnosis...><>><>3-"You will be like God": ><> "Pantheism" is the heart of the New Age: "God isall and all is God"... because God "is not a person", it is"Energy", "the Force"... God is not "He", but"It", a stone, a star, you, I... any atom has energy!...><>... The "gigantic quantum leap", is when every human will realize thathe is God... and this will occur "suddenly", as a "quantum leap", whenenough people on earth have the consciousness of God, of being God!... this great energywill produce the sudden "gigantic leap" of all man and women on earth becomingconscious of God, becoming God!... and that will bring world peace and prosperity, asudden solution of all the problems of the world!... a universal religion, a "globalvillage", even immortality...><> To achieve this "consciousness", worldfestivals of the mind, body, and spirit have beenprogrammed to join the energy of thousands and produce the "quantum leap": ><> Thousands have attended festivals of astrology, numerology,crystals, UFOs... but the "leap" didn't came... ><> In 1986 the "First Race Around the Earth" wasorganized, carrying a torch around the earth to create this universal energy, but it was afailure!... ... Later, on De.31, 1986, the "Instant of World Cooperation" wasprogrammed, and the "Planet Pentecost" was expected when thousands gathered, butit never came... ><> In 1987, the "Harmonic Convergence" was organized,with 144,000 gathering in tours at ancient sacred places of India... it also failed!...><> Another road, to obtain this "world consciousness" is bythe way of a "Messiah", a world leader or great Avatar: Benjamin Cremeattracted much attention in the early 1980s announcing the coming of the Messiah"Lord Maitreya" by 1982; when Maitreya failed to appear, Creme's popularityquickly died.><>><>4- Wisdom: "Knowing good and evil": ><> It is the forth lie of Satan:><> - The New Age doctrine is essentially an extreme "naturalism": The"mother earth", "Gaia", is God, and beyond the "personaltransformation" is the New Age goal of "planetarian transformation":"Pollution" is got to be stopped... because we all are "PlanetaryCitizens", living in only one village, the "Global Village".><> - In this new knowledge, music and arts are of the "natural": singing birds,rivers, mountains, the music of rain, storms, the oceans, the desert...><> ... But in this utopic world of knowledge, something is wrong: Feminism is at itsheights, with mother earth, Gaia, at the front... abortion rights, gay rights, animalrights with abortion prohibited in animals, polygamous privileges, homosexual marriages,prostitution, gambling, drugs... all of this in the name of "God in you", forall that God can be and do is focused in the depths of your soul...><>5- "The 5th lie of Satan", ofMatt.4, is included in this new wisdom: Jesus Christ is discarded, he is not God,and not even the son of man... he is only the "Christ Energy" or the"Cosmic Christ"... better try the occult, astrology, spiritism, astral travel,reincarnation, goddess worship, mind sciences, yoga meditation, crystals, pyramids...witchcraft or Wicca, white or black magic, sexual magic with each one of the coven havingsex with everyone... something is obviously very seriously wrong!...><>><>HISTORY:><> "An "Umbrella"... "Big Money"!:><> The New Age is not represented by any one particular organization, institution, orsect. It is called a "Movement", but it is rather an "Umbrella",where many sick minds are covered; a smorgasboard of all paranormal beliefs, polluted withtoo many money-making schemes...><> - Many "members" are honest people, with a deep desire torealize the innate goodness that lies within each person, but looking for it in the wrongplaces... ><> - Many "leaders" are "big money-makers" becoming famous and richwith their seminars, books, tapes, videos, movies, selling crystals or pyramids for $2 or$400,000; or by doing all kinds of divination with astrology, channelling, psychicreadings; or by selling natural health products, or practicing holistic medicine, pastlive therapies of reincarnation; or organizing tours to old sacred places... and the worstare those who create new cults of "inner wisdom", with large or small groups,whose members will end up giving all their money and lives to the leaders...><> The term "New Age", was coined by the spirit medium "AliceBailey" of the Theosophical Society of America, who died in 1949, but it becamecommon parlance after the musical "Hair" launched the concept of the Ageof Aquarius on a popular and international scale.><> - The "New Age Magazine", published for decades by Masonry, is one ofthe forerunners, as well as the "Humanist Manifesto" of 1973, but wit theNew Age adding the "unlimited human potential", making each man a god... thoughno man can make a star or an atom!.><> - There is not a "founder", nor a "world leader":><> - "Shirley McLaine", the Academy Award-winner, may be the highpriestess of the whole umbrella, with her seminaries, books, TV series... She charges $300per person to audiences of up to 1,000. Her books: "Out on a Limb" (hertransformation), "Dancing in the Light" (crystals and mantras), "GoingWithin" (yoga and chakras).><> - "Marilyn Ferguson", with the most prominent book of the New Age,"The Aquarium Conspiracy" (the influence of the New Age on the whole publiceducational system of America). ><> - "Frijof Capra", with his classic book "The Tao ofPhysics". On "Eye to Eye" visions the overall "paradigm" ortheory that would unite science, philosophy, psychology, religion...><>><> - "Barbara Marx Hubbard", one of the organizers of the world programs topromote the "quantum leap" into world God consciousness.><>><> - Celebrities: Singers John Denver, Tina Turner, Willie Nelson. Actors LevarBurton, David Carradine, Dennis Weaver. Actresses Linda Evans, Sharon Gless, SallyKirkland. Movie producers Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Gene Rodenberry... E.T., StarWars, Star Trek, Ghost... Astronaut Mitchell with "A Course on Miracles"...><> - Intellectuals: Richard Sutphen, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Benjamin Creme,Ram Das, P.D. Ouspensky, Ramtha, David Spangler, J. Arguelles.><> - Organizations: Planetary Citizens, Pacific Institute, PlanetaryInitiative, Zero Population, Third Force, Forum, The Work... and 1,001 cults...><>><> - In France: Serge Raynaud, with the "Great Universal Fraternity"...the political "Green Party", successful in Europe, not inAmerica.><>Further Evidence><>><> Several years ago I conducted a Gospel meeting in Toccoa, Georgia. While I was there I decided to check on a rumor I had heard about a mammoth granite monument that supposedly had been erected in the nearby town of Elberton in March 1980.><> ><>><>><>The New Age Movement><>><>><>According to the rumor, the monument had been paid for by a mysterious group affiliated with the New Age Movement, an international amalgamation of Humanist societies whose aim is to prepare the way for the coming of "Lord Maetrea," a Messiah who will save the world.><>><>The guiding force behind the movement is the Lucis Trust located at the United Nations Plaza in New York. The movement has been well documented in Constance Cumby’s book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow." This is the same group that ran full page ads in all the leading U.S. newspapers in the spring of 1982 announcing "the Christ is now here" and will soon reveal himself. The group also runs ads in magazines promoting a special Humanist prayer.><> ><>><>><>The New Age Monument><>><>><>I was able to confirm that the remarkable monument truly does exist. It is located on the highest point in Elbert County, about seven miles outside the town of Elberton, Ga. It is 20 feet high, taller than the monoliths of Stonehenge in England. It consists of 951 cubic feet of granite which weighs an estimated 245,000 pounds. The center stone and capstone contain slits and holes that are designed to provide astronomical observations of the sun, moon and stars. These are patterned after similar ancient pagan shrines in Europe.><>><>The monument is dedicated to an "Age of Reason." The statement, "Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason" is carved on each side of the capstone in four dead languages: Sanskrit, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Babylonian Cuneiform, and Classical Greek. The four major granite slabs that radiate out from the central stone contain the ten commandments of the New Age of Reason. The commandments are presented in the eight languages which are spoken by two-thirds of Mankind: English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili.><>><>><>The New Age Commandments><>><>><>The ten commandments are as follows:><>><> *><>><> Maintain humanity under five hundred million in perpetual balance with nature><> *><>><> Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity><> *><>><> Unite humanity with a living new language><> *><>><> Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason><> *><>><> Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts><> *><>><> Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court><> *><>><> Avoid petty laws an useless officials><> *><>><> Balance personal rights with social duties><> | |