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Dimensional 2012
"Afronta tu camino con coraje, no tengas miedo de las críticas de los demás. Y, sobre todo, no te dejes paralizar por tus propias críticas"


08 de Junio, 2008  ·  General
LOVEvolution’s Scientific Foundation

Physicist David Bohm says that meaning links mind and matter like opposites of a coin. In other words, meaning has alchemical qualities that help fuse dualities and, therefore, advance evolution. Physicist Rupert Sheldrake’s work with morphogenetic fields of energy, or M-fields, help describe how the invisible world of energy organizes itself to create material worlds or realities. Chaos theory, which is based on non-linear dynamics, says that the world is not random and that it seems that way because of limited perception. Rather, it is coherent, unified and organized around unifying patterns based on values and beliefs.

In this Section

:: Weinholds’ Evolutionary Paradigm
:: Principles of LOVEvolution
:: Biology and LOVEvolution
:: Biology Becomes Cosmology
:: Individuation and LOVEvolution
:: History, Civilizations and LOVEvolution
:: Planetary and Galactic LOVEvolution
:: Breakdown - Breakthrough

Paradigms that help people make meaning of their life experiences foster both psychological and spiritual growth. M-field theory is helpful for describing how underlying thought patterns and images foster the evolution of consciousness. All beliefs are M-fields that help create new realities. For example, when Sir Roger Banister broke the perceived four-minute mile barrier, he created a new M-field that reinforced the power of the field, allowing many other runners to repeat his feat. The One Hundredth Monkey fable and Alcoholics Anonymous are other examples of M-field phenomena. An M-field somehow organizes energy to create new patterns that are available throughout the invisible universe.

Because the visible world is created from the invisible world of energy, it is influenced by the future. The degree to which an M-field is able to manifest itself in the material world is based on the power of the original concept itself. The higher the vibratory frequency of an M-field’s original concept, the more power it contains for manifesting itself and for advancing evolution.

David Hawkins discovered that even concepts could strongly influence the human energy field. He found that some concepts weaken it and that others strengthen it. His book, Power vs. Force, plots concepts along a continuum of consciousness between 20 (shame) and 1000 (pure consciousness), and contains a useful schemata for identifying paradigms that support evolution or devolution. Using behavioral kinesiology, he showed that concepts, such as unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness, advance evolution and make the physical body strong and support health, while devolutionary concepts, such as judgment, revenge and condemnation, weaken the physical body and support disease, sickness and death.

Throughout humanity’s history, people such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King have aligned with strong M-fields that served as powerful organizers for advancing evolution. People such as Genghis Khan and Adolf Hitler, on the other hand, aligned with concepts that caused devolution. The number of people who believe in a concept and reinforce it through their behavior determines the degree to which it influences humanity. The most critical factor in understanding evolution, however, is that higher vibrational concepts always prevail over those with lower frequencies. Throughout history most people spent a good part of their lifetimes learning to discern between high-energy and low energy concepts through many rounds of painful trial and error. Hawkins has found an easy way to discover the energy behind any concept that you wish to quickly test to see if it is high or low energy.The M–field that we have developed is LOVEvolution. It is based on the concept that unconditional love drives evolution. It both describes and explains how life evolves because of the presence and power of unconditional love in both the seen and unseen worlds. Unconditional love connects through subtle energy exchanges, operating as a subtle, co-creative glue that connects the invisible world of spirit with the visible world of matter. In LOVEvolution, the energy from our heart-felt desires and dreams draws together the basic elements of the universe to manifest them in the world of matter.

These co-creative exchanges of energy between spirit and matter create reciprocal relationships that advance evolution. You might think about these exchanges as “circles of love.” Exchanges containing the high-vibrational frequency of unconditional love, for example, evolve all parties involved in the exchange to a higher resonant frequency. This shift into a higher frequency often activates the duality principle, bringing up shadow or lower frequency matter seeking to return to the light. The higher the vibration in the co-creative exchanges of a reciprocal relationship, the more any lower frequency matter will also get activated.

Exchanges or experiences that involve lower vibrational frequencies, such as anger, judgment and fear, create a temporary devolution to a lower resonant frequency that actually can serve the evolutionary drive into higher and higher vibrational frequencies. From this viewpoint, a temporary devolution is seen not as good or bad, but as useful. It provides you with an opportunity to bring any lower vibrational thought into the light and integrate it into your evolving consciousness. This non-judgmental perspective supports the unity awareness that is necessary for long-term advances in consciousness. Energetically, we believe that the shadow and the light serve as “pistons” that propel humans and all biological life along the evolutionary highway.

The duality-embracing perspective of LOVEvolution helps you make meaning of both the painful and uplifting experiences and events in your life. Once you understand that your relational interactions with others always serve evolution, you can more easily embrace everything that comes to you.

At some point, you may recognize you have power to direct your own LOVEvolutionary process and that you can choose how long you need to spend in an devolutionary exchange in order to clear some piece of your own darkness. Over time, you may shift from spending days doing this clearing to identifying the shadow piece at the energy level, where you can clear it in seconds.

Reaching this advanced stage of evolution, however, requires the ability to assign meaning to events and experiences. Because meaning links mind and matter like opposites of a coin, it serves as an alchemical force to fuse polarities and, therefore, advance evolution. Understanding the unifying nature of LOVEvolution also helps you see that the world is not random or negative and that it only seems that way because of your limited perception. Once you recognize and understand the principles of our duality-embracing theory of LOVEvolution, life seems more coherent, unified and organized.
Principles of LOVEvolution

There are three important principles in LOVEvolution. The first is dividing, which describes how life grows and exponentially multiplies itself. One divides into two, two divides into four, four into eight, and so on. The second is polarization, which involves swinging from one extreme to the other, such as alternating between feelings of love and hate, attraction and aversion, and fear and excitement. It is visible in humanity, for example, as the eternal battle between ignorance and consciousness. Because dividing and polarizing processes usually involve separation and some degree of pain and suffering, they are generally perceived as negative, painful and something to be avoided. LOVEvolution reframes them, saying that dividing and polarization are positive, expanding forces that help drive your evolution. The third principle is joining, which describes the energetic process that ultimately draws opposites together, uniting them to create or procreate something new with a higher vibrational frequency. An example of human joining is the uniting of love energy to produce a child or some other creative project. These three principles are central in a biological process known as cell mitosis.

Biology and LOVEvolution

LOVEvolution uses the biological concept of cell mitosis to help explain how humans, civilizations, Earth, our solar system and even our Milky Way Galaxy all evolve. We believe that the concept cell mitosis under lays the birth, growth and death of all living things in our universe and contains the three principles of LOVEvolution: dividing, polarizing into extremes and then rejoining. For example, a fertilized cell gradually pulls itself apart and divides into two cells. This dividing breaks the initial energetic "oneness" of the original fertilized cell. This oneness is compromised again and again, as the two cells continue to divide into four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, until the mitotic process generates sufficient cells to create a new being. The time that it takes to grow a human from a fertilized cell into an infant ready to be born is 260 days. The Mayans use the human gestational timeline as the foundation for one of their calendars.

At first this cellular division appears destructive because it creates energetic instability and constantly breaks the initial wholeness of the fertilized cell. Without the destruction of the original fertilized cell, however, it is not possible to create a new Being. The division of a fertilized cell is responsible for embryogenesis, the biological process all living things use to recreate themselves. At first, this miraculous and transformative growth process of biological becoming looks chaotic, as it continues generating more and more cells. This perspective, however, does not recognize the presence of an invisible ordering program coded into the DNA that is responsible for creating a new, unified Being. Only when viewed at an evolutionary level, beyond the dimension of the cell, is this ordering program for embryogenesis visible.

Biology Becomes Cosmology

When we apply the concepts of LOVEvolution to the study of systems, it is much easier to understand how human consciousness, civilizations, planets, solar systems and galaxies also evolve. At this point, we shift from the study of embryogenesis to the study of cosmogenesis. This larger paradigm shows the parallels and connections between you and other parts of your world—your primary relationships, your family, your community, your religion, your nation, the human species, the Earth, our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy. While this may seem complicated, it is very simple when you use the principles of dividing, polarizing and joining to explain these parallels.
Individuation and LOVEvolution

On a human level, the process of LOVEvolution is known as individuation. Becoming spiritually individuated means to move from being unconsciously united with God, to becoming separated from God and developing individual consciousness or awareness, and then rejoining again with God as conscious, aware, separate Beings. Becoming psychologically individuated means moving from being unconsciously symbiotic with others—parents, partners, children—to becoming physically, emotionally and mentally separate from them, and rejoining again with them again as conscious, aware, separate Beings. We have spent much of our twenty years together mapping this process inside ourselves, in our relationship, in our families and in the world around us. We’ve divided human individuation into four distinctive stages, each with its unique set of developmental tasks and challenges. We have also identified how and where this process breaks down and obstructs all of humanity from pushing forward collectively in its evolution.

History, Civilizations and LOVEvolution

LOVEvolution says that periods of history displaying great amounts of conflict, dividing and polarizing are very significant, as they contain the potential for the rejoining of opposites that can evoke an evolutionary shift. While they may appear very chaotic from an external perspective, energetically, these eras contain the potential for reuniting polarized camps. These camps might be blacks and whites, gays and straights, Christians and Muslins, men and women, adults and children or rich and poor. Reuniting these dualities contains the same potential as a man and a woman making love in order to create a child. In other words, this union has the potential to lift evolution to a higher vibrational frequency. Scientific evidence shows that the frequency of Earth’s heart-beat, known as the Schumann resonance, has moved upward from its normal 8 Hz in the early 1980’s towards 13 Hz, which is believed to be the frequency of unconditional love. It is currently hovering between 10-12 Hz.

On the level of civilization, LOVEvolution is most visible during relatively brief periods of cultural chaos and cultural transformation that change not only peoples' spiritual values, but the scientific and philosophical underpinnings of society's thinkers and policy makers. During these eras of social unrest, the change in human values provokes polarization. People divide into opposite camps, redefine their values and form more specific beliefs systems and philosophies. We have mapped the process of LOVEvolution of civilizations by studying the changes in their social, political, religious and educational philosophies and systems over long periods of time and found that the LOVEvolution of civilizations follows the patterns of cell mitosis—dividing, polarizing and rejoining.
At a planetary level, LOVEvolution occurs over even longer periods of time. Over the past 225 million years Earth’s single landmass, known as Pangaea, divided into seven separate continents. The Maya believed Earth’s evolution is driven by exchanges of unconditional love between humans, Earth’s Sun and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. They recognized the 26,000-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar as a spiritual gestation period for humanity and left records indicating that the galactic alignment occurring in 2012 is a key turning point in the LOVEvolution of not only Earth, but also our whole solar system and maybe even the whole galaxy. They believed these long-term exchanges of love energy are evoking Earth and all life on it to fully express what has been gestating for the past 26,000 years. According to the Maya, 2012 marks a major shift in LOVEvolution with the potential to advance consciousness in the whole cosmos.

The Vedic or Hindu cosmology identifies these large cycles of time as yugas. Their cosmology says that one cycle of creation that lasts 58,000 years contains four yugas, each which is like one season of the super-cosmic year. According to the Hindu cosmology, the first Yuga of this cycle of Earth evolution was the Satya Yuga which means “Purity'.” During this era, which was the original Golden Age, humanity began leaving its original state of God-like innocence and falling into matter. In the second or Treta Yuga, spiritual awareness decreased by one fourth as humans became more physically dense. By the end of the third or Dvapara Yuga, spiritual awareness dropped to half as human density reached fifty percent.

We are now in the fourth or Kali Yuga, the most dense state of material existence and least spiritual state of awareness. The final of four evolutionary Yugic cycles, it typically involves the destruction of a cycle of existence. Foundations topple and institutions collapse in order to shift creation to its next level of evolution. While this era’s extinguishments may initially seem a tragic, pointless, cruel and create devastating interruptions in our comfortably ordered lives, it births new values and beliefs that serve as the invisible pattern for organizing and materializing the next Yuga.

The Hopis, like the Hindu and the Maya, also believe that we are approaching the end of the “fourth world” in 2012, which marks the beginning of the golden age of Krita Yuga. During this cycle of evolution, there will be a great synthesis between the world of matter and the world of spirit. Humanity will begin its return to spirit and experience itself as divine matter—a paradox indicating a great alchemical advancement.
Understanding the principles of LOVEvolution helps you recognize the breakdowns occurring around you as part of the LOVEolutionary process of the Shifting of the Ages or Yugas. Once you are able to perceive life an experience of an unceasing dance of dark and light, birth and death, it is easier to shift out of fear and flow into the new frequency of unconditional love. With vision, support and tools, we believe that you can become co-creative partners in the shift. The more that you become a co-creator, the more that this will catalyze both the breakdown of old structures and the creation of new ones that will manifest the golden age of Krita Yuga.

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Swak! :♥)
“Entrad por la puerta estrecha; porque ancha es la puerta y espacioso el camino que lleva a perdición, y muchos son los que entran por ella.”

“Porque estrecha es la puerta y angosto el camino que lleva a la vida, y pocos son los que la hallan.”

De acuerdo con esto podemos comprender la verdad de aquel aforismo que dice: “según lo que un hombre piensa así es él”.
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